The skin of the skin is one of the largest organs of the body, and is exposed to many harmful external factors that endure it, such as exposure to the skin, climate changes in the weather, harmful sunlight, and the use of bad skin care products, and these factors cause multiple skin problems, and must follow a proper routine of attention and appropriate care For a healthy, healthy diet to help the skin nourish the cells,

get healthy skin free from blemishes, spots and scars. Simple, inexpensive natural maskers can be used, follow some tips to protect the skin, and get a glowing skin. Faithful, and beautiful.
[1] The best face mask Home facial masks make the skin bright and glowing, and there are many of these active masks, which are as follows: [2] Strawberry & Honey Mask Strawberries contribute to a glowing and beautiful skin. The method is: [2] Ingredients: Six to ten fresh strawberries. One teaspoon of honey. How to prepare: Mash the strawberries and honey well in the blender. Placed on the face. Leave for twenty minutes. Wash with lukewarm water, then with cold water. Repeat continuously a few weeks, to get the desired results. Tomato and milk mask Tomatoes make the skin bright.
The method is: [2] Ingredients: Two teaspoons of tomato juice. Three teaspoons of yogurt. A piece of cotton. How to prepare: Mix the ingredients together. Put on all over the face and neck using cotton. Leave for thirty minutes. Wash with water. Repeated continuously a few weeks. Honey and milk The honey and milk ingredients help smooth the skin to make the skin healthy and glowing. The method is: [2] Ingredients: Four teaspoons of milk. Two teaspoons of honey. A piece of cotton. How to prepare: Heat the milk to lukewarm, and mix with honey well. Apply the mixture to the face and warm with cotton. Leave ten minutes. Wash with lukewarm water, then with cold water. Repeat continuously a few weeks, to get the desired results. Egg mask and almond oil Egg is used for skin freshness, making it shiny, bright and soft. The method is:
[2] Ingredients: One egg. Five to six drops of almond oil. How to prepare: Beat the egg well, add the almond oil and mix the ingredients together. Apply to facial skin. Leave from twelve minutes to fifteen minutes. Wash with lukewarm water, then with cold water. Repeated continuously a few weeks. Oatmeal, honey and milk Oats help to exfoliate the skin and make it bright and clear. The method is: [2] Ingredients: 2 teaspoons oatmeal. One teaspoon of honey. Two to three teaspoons of milk. How to prepare: Mix the ingredients together to get a paste. Put the putty on the face. Leave for twenty minutes. Wash with water. Repeat continuously a few weeks, to get the desired results. Honey & Banana Mask Bananas and honey are used to make the skin glowing, and luminous. The method is: [2] Ingredients: One tablet of ripe bananas. Two teaspoons of honey. How to prepare: Mix the ingredients together.
Placed on the face. Leave for fifteen minutes. Wash areas of the face with lukewarm water, then cold water. Repeat continuously several weeks, for effective results. Avocado and honey mask The use of these ingredients helps to increase the freshness of the skin. The method is: [2] Ingredients: One avocado. One tablespoon of honey. Method of urbanization: Peel the avocado , and mash well with honey. Placed on the face. Leave ten to fifteen minutes. Wash with lukewarm water. Repeat continuously a few weeks, to get the desired results. Orange peel mask, sandalwood and rose water Considered orange peels , sandalwood, effective waterproof roses to make a bright and smooth skin.
The method is: [2] Ingredients: Two tablespoons of dried orange peel powder. One teaspoon of sandalwood powder. Some of the rose water. How to prepare: Mix the ingredients together to get a paste. Apply to facial skin. Leave for twenty to thirty minutes. Repeat regularly a few weeks, for a glowing complexion. Yogurt and lemon juice mask Yogurt and lemon juice contain ingredients that help to clear and brighten the skin. The method is: [2] Ingredients: Half a cup of yogurt
. One teaspoon of lemon juice. How to prepare: Mix the ingredients together. Apply to face areas. Leave for fifteen minutes. Wash with lukewarm water, then immediately cool water to tighten skin pores. Repeat continuously a few weeks, to get the desired results. Ways to maintain facial skin Facial skin is one of the most sensitive areas of the skin, so facial skin needs great care and attention.There are ways to improve the shape and health of your skin: [3] Daily facial wash: The beautiful facial skin can be maintained by washing it with an appropriate cleanser, and warm water daily in the morning and evening. Moisturizing Facial Skin: Skin care should be carried out by moisturizing the facial skin with a moisturizer suitable for its type, which contains a percentage of sun protection, and applied twice daily using circular motions on the areas of the face.
Wearing sunscreen: The sunscreen should be applied to the face on a daily basis when exposed to the outside atmosphere, whether sunny or cloudy, to protect the skin from damage and damage. Use products suitable for the type of skin: You must search for products that suit the type of skin by knowing the type of skin, whether natural skin, oily, dry or normal, to protect it from irritation and sensitivity and get the desired results and beneficial to the skin.