How skin is supple
Use almond oil Studies indicate that almond oil contains high levels of skin whitening substances, including: vitamin E, vitamin B2, vitamin B3 and vitamin B6, along with essential minerals, phytosterols, and unsaturated fatty acids, these materials promote skin freshness and remove spots unwanted, and its use is heated almond oil by putting it in the pot inside the larger pot containing hot water, and leave it for five minutes,

then rub some almond oil on your hands, and apply it to the skin, and Tdena gently for ten to fifteen minutes, Then use a clean cloth to remove excess oil The method is applied for fifteen days before bedtime, then two to three times a week, then once a week.
[1] Use of aloe vera Aloe vera is an aloe vera gel taken from aloe vera paper.According to studies, aloe vera contributes to reducing the appearance of pigmentation and stains.It promotes skin freshness and health.To use some of it is applied to the skin for 30 minutes, then washed with water, and the process can be repeated twice a day for two weeks. [1] Use of retinol Retinol is a natural form of vitamin A, the essential vitamin that treats damaged cells in the skin, stimulates cellular division, which leads to skin peeling and regeneration.Retinol also promotes collagen production in the body and stimulates mitotic activity, reducing wrinkles.
How to take care of the skin
Direct exposure to sunlight increases the risk of aging, including wrinkles, spots, and other skin problems, as well as its role in increasing the risk of skin cancer. The peak hours are between 10 am and 4 pm, with a sunscreen of SPF of at least 15 degrees. [1] Routine Care Skin can be taken care of and protected from exposure to many common problems such as dark spots, acne, etc., by adhering to the usual routine, namely, clean the skin, and cleansing through the use of an effective cleanser once to twice a day, to be able to get rid of all impurities and dirt outstanding during the day, taking care not to use lye frequently by the owners of dry skin, being loses the skin natural Ziute, as recommended by applying serum vitamins, moisturizing the skin well , regardless of its kind, as the oily skin need moisturizing as well.
Apply watermelon recipe with bananas You can take care of the skin by mixing a teaspoon of watermelon juice, with a teaspoon of banana puree, apply the mixture over the skin, leave it for ten to fifteen minutes, then wash it with lukewarm water, where watermelon is suitable for those with sensitive skin on the face Determination, which contains many nutritious vitamins, including vitamin B, A, and C, as well as potassium, reduces inflammation, reduces sunburn, and helps to get rid of acne.
[4] Medical caveats of some natural recipes There are many medical caveats that recommend not applying many natural prescriptions to the skin, such as: [2] Lemon juice: Citric acid increases the dryness of the skin by reducing the water in it, as well as its role in the appearance of dark spots in the case of sun exposure after application.
Garlic: The application of garlic can result in many damages, such as allergies to some individuals, pimples, eczema, in addition to it increases skin inflammation. Toothpaste: Toothpaste causes irritation and redness of the skin, and increases the dryness of the skin, because of its role in the absorption of natural oils contained in it.
How to care skin
Skin care should be a priority for anybody. To take care of it. [1] How to Skin Care The following are the most important ways of skin care: [2] Cleans the face twice once in the morning and once at night, using the right skin type product, to make your skin look healthy and beautiful. Facial hair care, which is important for a beautiful and clean skin, must be cleaned eyebrows, and can be used several ways to remove facial hair including wax, or by using floss, but in the case of intolerance of pain, and take a cloth dampened with hot water and pressed For the best results, this method is followed before bedtime .
Moisturizing the skin to protect it from dryness, using a gentle moisturizer on the skin to make it soft and bright. Drink plenty of water. Water is important for getting rid of body toxins and excess oils in your skin. You should drink eight glasses of water a day. Do not touch the face, especially in the case of acne, as the accumulation of dirt and bacteria on the hands, which makes it move to the face, and this causes the closure of pores and the appearance of acne , and if there are pills on the face,
it should not be tampered with and try to get rid of, because this will make The treatment period is longer, and instead of treating the pills within two days it will take a week or more. Cushion covers are constantly changing. Moisturizing the lips with a suitable moisturizer, and this can be done in a natural way, and this through the use of sugar dissolved in water, this solution removes dead skin cells from the lips, and this method is better than relying on moisturizing preparations of the lips, because getting used to these products may cause addiction, They contain chemicals that cause chapped lips. Protecting the face from the sun using protective creams, because exposure to the sun for a long time and continuously can do a lot of damage to the skin, and therefore it is necessary to protect them with protective creams,
and it is recommended to wear clothes that protect the skin from the sun such as clothing and hats. Natural skin care blends Apple vinegar mask Using apple cider vinegar to treat the skin is an old way. After washing the face, mix a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in two cups of water, to clean and tighten the skin as well. [3] Milk Mask A home mask can be prepared in the following way: [3] Ingredients: cup powdered milk . The right amount of water. Method: Mix the milk with enough water to make a thick mask. Apply the mask to the face. Allow the mask to dry completely. Wash the face with warm water. Mayonnaise Mask Mayonnaise can be used in the following way: [3] Method: Put enough mayonnaise on the entire face. Leave the mayonnaise for 20 minutes on the face.
Wipe the face with a cloth. Wash the face with cold water. Yogurt Mask Yogurt is used to clean the skin and tighten pores, in the following way: [3] Ingredients: Teaspoon of yogurt. Juice a quarter slice of orange. Teaspoon of aloe vera . Method: Mix the ingredients, then distribute the mask over the face. Leave the mask on for five minutes on the face. Wash the face with water. Skin Care Tips Here are the top skin care tips: [1] Quitting smoking is known to be harmful to health, especially heart health, but may be ignorant of some damage to the skin, narrowing blood vessels in the face, which reduces blood flow in it, and it destroys collagen, which is important to fight wrinkles.
A healthy diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and lean proteins will give your skin a healthy look and will look younger. People who eat healthy and eat plenty of water are thought to have young skin. The use of mild soap on the skin, strong soap, which contains many chemicals remove natural oils in the skin, which is detrimental to the health of the skin, and appearance, as well, so you should use a gentle soap on the skin, and should not use hot water heavily at the time of bathing and only warm water Hot water causes dry skin. Reducing stress and stress because of its impact on public health, and severe stress contributes to the emergence of acne significantly, and therefore must look for ways to get rid of stress for better health at all levels, including the skin. Not only does the skin need to be cleaned and protected from damage, it needs to be cared for.
There are many different ways you can do it. There are also many treatments that can be used for the skin, such as a mud mask that reduces the appearance of wrinkles and other impurities. The key to successful skin care is to give it the proper attention and care, so make sure that the skin gets the necessary care to be healthy and look the best.