How do I make my skin supple
Healthy skin There are many ways to get rid of troublesome problems, the most important of which is eating healthy foods such as vegetables and fruits because they provide the body with the necessary vitamins, and gives the skin freshness and health, and to ensure adequate sleep; The skin should also be cleaned continuously to remove dust and impurities. Tips For Fresh Skin Not excessive use of skin care products. Use sunscreen when out. Exercise. Drink plenty of water and natural juices. A healthy diet. Eat food rich in vegetables and fruits on a daily basis

. Applying maskers suitable for skin type. Blends for a supple skin Mix two tablespoons of yogurt with a quantity of dried orange peel powder to get a paste, then put it on the skin and leave for twenty minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water, this mixture works to get rid of freckles and give the skin shine and freshness. Mix two teaspoons of fresh lemon juice and two tablespoons of honey well, then put the mixture on the skin and leave for half an hour, then rinse with lukewarm water. Mix equal amount of lemon juice with potato juice well, then apply on the skin and leave for a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water, this mixture works to lighten the skin and treat sunburn. Mix 1 teaspoon of turmeric,
1 teaspoon lemon juice, 1 teaspoon of chickpeas flour and a small amount of rose water well.Then put the mixture on the skin and leave it to dry, then rinse it with cold water.This mixture fits all skin types as it increases the beauty and freshness of the skin just awesome. Wash the face with a daily amount of milk, as it gives the skin freshness. Soak a tablespoon of honey with half a spoonful of water and then massage the skin and then rinse with water only, honey gives brightness and freshness to the skin. Soak four almonds in the right amount of milk from morning to evening, then crush the almonds with milk to get a paste, put on the skin for half an hour and then rinse with cold water, this mask helps to lighten the skin color and give it vitality and freshness
. Mix 1 teaspoon of lemon juice with 1 teaspoon of fresh cucumber juice with 1 teaspoon of glycerin with 1 teaspoon of turmeric well, then put the mixture on the skin and the area around the eyes and leave it for a quarter of an hour and then rinse with cold water, and for the best results should use the mixture daily for a week.